Source: BBC Radio 4 "The Archers" Archers: 2013-06-05 Wednesday archers_20130605-1920a.mp3
You are listening to Wednesday's episode of The Archers from BBC Radio 4.
Well, I was quite taken aback when she said she couldn't come to the meeting. / I wonder if we should reorder the mushy peas. / Mushy peas? / Susan thought we might be running a bit low. .... not to everyon's taste, of course. / I'm sure they are not. / It's just that Jennifer has always been one of the Book Club's ...s, hasn't she? / she has, yes. / I really think / folded without her / down to three / at one point last year, if you remember / Yes. / Jennifer always managed to ... people to come along / save the day / Perhaps she wasn't overly keen on the book / ah, no, it can't be that. / how much / was enjoying it when we spoke a week or so ago. "Real page-turner", she said. / Mandarin oranges / Sorry? / something about them, isn't there, which reminds one of one's childhood. / Not mine, I'm afraid. / It is always Mandarin oranges / evaporated milk / count them out to make sure / divided equally / right / quite / treat / .... Hem. .... / Oh, sorry, Lynda. I'm afraid, tins of Mandarin oranges to me are rather like a madeleine cake to Marcel Proust. / Yes. Quite. / You were talking about the Book Club. / Yes. I was just wondering / you might be able to / educated guess as to why / join us tonight. / Uh,.... no. / you are hosting it, of course? / Yes. Christine's got me organize / some nibbles / Good. / it's been / rather packed week / I must say / enjoyable, of course / been giving Daniel / any little help / his revision / talking / through / when he hits a brick wall / getting on? / history paper went reasonably well / I warned him not to even think about it once / came out / exam / post mortem / always a mistake. It would / hysteria / I'm sure / anyway, he's got / breather today before his English literature tomorrow / I'll pop up there this afternoon / evening / Thomas Hardy / not his strongest / must be so stressful for young people today. / always has been, I suppose. We simply didn't use the word "stress", did we? / I suppose not. / We thought we were rather "anxious", or, possibly, a bit "worried" / "stress" wasn't / vocabulary / university places / can't afford to drop a stitch, can they? / certainly feeling the pressure / I'm sure / Anyway, Lynda, how are things going with your Highland Games? / Oh, don't get me started. / Jazzer's full of it, I must say. / That's the problem. / Oh? Really?
So, you haven't made much progress then? / I'm following up / should be fine / have to be / good / we haven't got the staff / We'll get there. And, I think I've found a right vet practice for us. / I thought / agreed that / way forward / retain the services / large animal practice / several experienced partners / that's actually easier said than done in Borsetshire / when / in touch with / I have, but / cutting back on farm work / cattle specialist has left / that's unfortunate / But I've found one which could prove ideal / Where? / group / it's mixed, but / large animal work, and / taking / new partner with dairy / experience / and specialist knowledge of nutrition. I've met him / be perfect. / going to be rather expensive. I mean, / a deal / expect / almost / daily visits anyway / the contract, the practice / us first call on the new partner / and, backup / if he is away / would make a difference, yeah. / what's the name of the firm? / Partners / Rob, why didn't you say so before? / is a regular on the estate / perfect setup. / well done. / Thanks. / sort out the recruitment side / painlessly. / nothing we can't deal with, Brian. / No / taking a little longer than we might have expected, that's all. / Well, I'll leave it in your very capable hands, Rob. / Fine / see if Jenny's back / wants my advice / birthday present / that soon? / nor for a couple of weeks / why / any ideas, I don't know. / mention / to Ian tonight if you / suggestions? / looking forward to it / sure / proud / I'm sure / I just wanna check out / marketing opportunity beforehand. / sounds interesting / a bit of a long shot / worth a go.
OK, Josh, that should do it. / Want me to put another post just beyond the next gate? / I think / keep them heading the right way. / OK. / Oh, hang on / Oh, that's great news. / What is it? / Pip. / Oh. / She says she thinks her first exam went OK. / Right. / Oh, and, Spencer checked / gone. / What car? / one he spotted which might be right for her .... "dissapointing, but never mind" / at least / being philosofical about it / Yeah, right. / where are you off to? Come back. / great thing / exam went well / side-tracked. / Good boy, ... good boy. Haven't got the hang of / have you? / else / he's gone totally mad today, hasn't he? / that's probably a reaction / feeling the pressure, too. / What? Waiting for Pip / her assignments? / they always pick up on things, don't they? / couldn't really help it, could he? / poor old / biting my head off. / OK. On to the next. / Hey, did I tell you what Neil said to me? He and Hayley have been talking. He says one of / Phoebe / farmers' market / couple of weeks / crates of freshly laid eggs, of course. / Yeah. / help / open things up for us / Yeah I'm sure / bring / and some eggs / display on Sunday / great. / Well, it seemed to be too good a marketing opportunity to miss. / I agree / I was trying / yesterday, but, she / interested. / Well, she / interested. / she / a few other things in her mind / yeah, right / OK. I think we could put another one on the bend here.
The trouble is, of course, Kenton and Jazzer are like runaway horses when they get together. / sure / manage / them in, Lynda / Well, I hope so. / still, you can't complain / enthusiasm / that's true / heart and soul into his search if that's anything to go by / Has he? / been impressed / of course / he has / wonderful traditions to call upon / kind of / hurling rocks as far as they can go. / Oh, I think you may be pleasantly surprised. / And he is planning to entertain us / bagpipes, of course. / A treat in store. / Oh, dear. / What's the matter? / Jennifer. She looked as if / come into the shop,then / rather hasty U-turn / that's a shame. / Sorry? / do have / plentiful supply of Borsetshire Life / might have wanted / a few more copies. / This really isn't worthy of you, Jim. / well, perhaps not / seem / You are absolutely right, Lynda. I've been taking a childish pleasure in the whole thing. / Exactly. / And I realize now that I may have gone too far / friendships are concerned. / any "may" about it. You "have". / about / what's that, Emma? Hello, Ciara. What a lovely dress you are wearing. Is that ... I see? / Jennifer. She's just rushed past us as if / wasn't there. / Oh dear. / say hello to Ciara. She's just ignored completely / of course not / Well, it looked like that to me. / I think Jennifer may be rather preocupied at the moment. / Really? / Well, apart from anything else, which may be on her mind, she's evidently worried about her mother being left without a home help when Elona leaves. / independent, of course, but I can quite understand Jennifer's concern. / So, uh, what sort of help does Peggy need, exactly?
Hope you don't mind me dropping by, David. / Not at all, no, although you're lucky to catch us. / Oh really? / we've just got back / marking out the farm trough / this is for Open Farm Sunday? / going / finish the milking. / OK. / Hi Josh. Good to see you again. / single catch / not that good / Tom's catch / Pip / a lot of practices / with Spencer / I didn't know that. / she was trying to keep it quiet / before the match / Alistair was gutted he couldn't grab you for / team / great to be asked anyway / been star / I don't know about that. / So, anyway, how are things going? / Oh, we are in pretty good shape / making sure / anyway / 5,000? / planning on getting 5,000 cows? / sorry, Josh, just a / of phrase / you know / few / Oh, yeah, of course. / should be up to / by Christmas / What? All living crammed in together on concrete? / bed on sand, not concrete. I know it may be hard to believe / evidence shows that / actually / it is a bit hard to believe. / anyway, I actually / proposition. / Go on. / Adam was telling me about your plan / Sunday, and I wondered if you consider allowing us to put up a display board. / A display board? / information about the Borchester Land Dairy. / Uh,..... / I could bring along the night before / put it up / you think best / well / a few photos / work in progress / artist impression of the finised units / information material / kind of stuff / actually, Rob, I don't think that would work for us. / No way. / I mean, it's not the kind of technology we use / Oh, of course, I know that. I just thought that / visitors might be interested in / different / dairy farming / Yeah, well, no, I mean, / appreciate / you asked / but, honestly, I don't think so. / OK. Fair enough. / I'm really sorry not to be more helpful. I know / difficult / message / wrong venue, I'm afraid. / No problem. I do understand. / we do try to give a helping hand to local farms, of course, / really it's fine / worth a punt / Well, of course / if you don't ask, you don't get / I agree. / anyway / leave you to it. / good luck with Sunday / hope / goes well / Bye, Josh. / Bye. / Oh, dear. That was a bit embarassing, wasn't it? / For him, yeah. / Like he said, though, if you don't ask .... / What a cheek! I can imagine what mom will say about it. / I think I can make a pretty good guess, too. / I mean, what kind of display was he planning? A picture of a thousand cows standing on a piece of concrete, with a big banner saying "Happy Days"? / Oh, dear, you and your mom. / Good job she wasn't here. She'd have seen him off. / Oh, come on, he seems a nice bloke. / really / spirit. / Yeah, but / rather a case of the pot calling a kettle black, isn't it, Josh? / How do you mean? / Well, Rob's not the only one who grabs a marketing opportunity when he sees one, is he?